Monday, March 4, 2013

Snowquestration 2013

Well thank goodness I had the discipline to not plant my peas this weekend.

Those suckers would have been buried under a foot of snow or so right when they were thinking it might be nice to poke up out of the ground.


  1. I'm in my pj's enjoying my snowcation! Our corner is supposed to get 10-14". It's about time! Check out this post:
    If you add barbed wire it could be dog proof. :o)

  2. Don't be so sure, lol! We are talking about the dog who ate Christmas lights, glass and wire and all, a few years ago... ;)
    Because of your post, I've been saving up plastic jugs to sow seeds in. I figure even if it warms up and it's not technically winter sowing anymore, it'll be kind of like a bunch of cool terrariums.

    1. That's awesome! The winter sowing, that is, not the belly full of Christmas lights. What a Fergie move - the lights not the winter sowing. :o)
